Today , i waked up late so late . then I had my usual breakfast and set to see my new e- mails and do what I do usually on net .
till I saw MR. z. and had a nice chat as usual and then happened what I was not expected my little brother asked my to go with him to his collage it is the first year to him there , and really it was a surprise to me as my brother and me like day and night .
But I said what I will lose if I do that , so I accepted that offer and went with him to there , I really do not like it it is so far , look like it is out in desert no near whatever , cafes and that what I hate .
even that , I had some fun there was a prof. was so funny and had a since of hummer and even the study in most of collage in Egypt by English , the student is less than weak in English , there were some one asked about mid term when it be after which 100 lec. as he heard it mit ( 100 in Arabic ) and asked about the reason of the name what is the relation bet. that exam and the no. 100 .
Then ,I saw him , he was so beauty so kind so shy that what I thought . I forget everything even my brother and just setting there see him fallowing him by my eyes , after a while not long . he noted that , and begin to have an eye connect with me , and he looked at me stighthly at my eyes and do not moved it inch at that moment i know that he is not shy , the shy one is me , then I tried to be away of him and his eyes the rest of the day. odd ya , i know .