Sunday, 22 March 2009

crazy day

i dono what to say i look like crazy i think , we talk for three weeks and now i feeling something about him but i can not say that to him i do not have that encourage to say ya i love you as we do not meet in real life yet all what we do chatting and talking on phone i try really to make him feel that from me but noway after making me disparate and left it to time till we meet he get it how i dono he say from my language when i spoken to him last chat anyway i talked it as chance to me and ya talked for hours and ya i talked to him as i do not care i do not like when someone push me to say what i feel about so i make a wrong dialogue with him , next day after collage and non-sleeping time i phoned him and asked him to meet it taked a three hours to be there where he from ya i traveled to him so what i made to put like an end for that i thought . so we meet and talked about about what i do not remember but i think about his life and its rules then with out talking we agree to be friends which i like it

Sunday, 1 March 2009

all is forget

I dono why i write about him now we even do not see eash other yet in real , i want to write about from long time since i chatted with him as he is a nice guy know what he want from live and from all around or that what i was thought .
I can say that we have a some kind being close friends in short time .
I wanted to write about him when he surprise me when he phoned me just to wake up and not being late .

This days he what i can say he broke up with his first love and we all know it take along bad time to pass this , he do not pass it yet and he just like that be in an other relation only not to hurt the new boy that treat him unwell , i do not like the way that boy treat my friend with , he only be cool from outside but from inner side he get hurt and the words kill him to mush .

And when i said to him that he do not do anything wrong just he need to take a real stand and tell that boy that is ENOUGH , he what be quit do not like to make he nervous , shit .

Any way and that end of chat today , he tell me that he want to end his live , i wondered why , he till me that to make all people around is fine , howwwwwwww all friends and parents will get hurt , i till him so , he answered a stupid answer all will forget me after a while , here i just start crying why , i dono , i tell him that not all how love you real love without any usefulness .

And then he asked me : do you will forget me ? i wonder as i was sure that i will not , how that feeling come from nowhere , just sure from that , i tell him that he asked me why i just someone you see online , he will disappeare again . and how will anyone remamber him again after all , all is forget